What kind of technology can help me meet the needs of students who have disabilities?

The special education teacher(s) in your school will support you with ideas for using instructional technology and/or in ways to use specialized or assistive technology for a student who has disabilities.

Factual Information

Using assistive technology may be new to you and, although the special education teacher will be a valuable resource in using these technologies, you will want to have a broad understanding of assistive technologies. Such understanding will help you communicate better with the special education teacher and will help you understand what is being done to support the student who has disabilities in your classroom.

Classroom Activities


  • Ask your colleagues what types of assistive technologies they are using in their classrooms to help students who have disabilities.
  • Consult with personnel from the special education department about the types of assistive technologies that are available.

Resources and Links

The following websites help teachers think about their students and how they learn within specific content areas.